Schools these days are changing drastically and take dedication from administrative staff and teachers to focus on the needs of students, without having concern for their supplies and equipment. Proper space optimization is more important than just labeling and organizing shelves, which is where Spacesaver Intermountain can help.
Traditional libraries of the past, filled with bookshelves and card catalogs, are transforming into more flexible spaces catering to all types of needs. While libraries are enhancing their programs to deliver modern resources to students, their core objectives — providing access to information, catering to diverse learning styles, and increasing opportunities for growth — remain the same. To help meet these goals, academic libraries must embrace flexibility, empowering educators to customize the space according to the unique needs of each day.
Examples Include:
Whether it’s for a specific sports program or as part of an all-encompassing school physical education program, we’ve seen our fair share of cramped, disorganized athletic storage spaces. In most cases, equipment, uniforms, pads, and other items get thrown in a series of disorganized piles in a cramped storage space—and in all cases, coaches, gym teachers, and aides have a hard time finding what they need when they need it.
Below are innovative K-12 storage solutions used to store materials from the equipment room to the locker room.
Multi-Sport Equipment Hubs
Space Saving Shelving Upgrades
Football Equipment Rooms
Custom Locker Rooms
Education extends beyond traditional books, computers, and lectures, particularly in the realm of performing art studies. Students in this field require specialized equipment and materials to enrich their educational experience. Spacesaver Intermountain has partnered with schools to develop storage solutions for sheet music, props, AV equipment, and more – to ensure the organization and security of valuable equipment is accessible to teachers and authorized students.
As administrators adapt to the continued evolution of education, it is critical for them to have a partner they can trust to not only provide versatile k-12 storage solutions for schools but also be a valuable resource along the way. Spacesaver Intermountain’s storage experts will work with your administration and design team to provide the optimal solutions and funds for your project. Whether it involves transforming classrooms into flexible learning spaces, protecting historical artifacts and records, encouraging student growth and success, or navigating purchasing options, Spacesaver Intermountain and our local team have the experience and solutions to help students succeed.
Tens of thousands of Spacesaver’s high-quality, USA-made systems have been continual used for decades.
Spacesaver Intermountain has a team of storage experts to ensure that your solution is optimized for your space — saving you time and money throughout the process.
Our systems go beyond shelving, and we can ensure that your school has the high-quality, long-lasting solution that will stand up to the test of time.
We offer personalized space-planning assistance provided by knowledgeable consultants and long-term services delivered by factory-certified technicians.