Author:Brett Juhl

Storage for Healthcare Facilities

Did you know that according to the American Hospital Association, there are over 5,500 registered Hospitals across the United States? What’s even more staggering is that nurses only spend about 40% or 3.2 hours of their shift with patients. The average nurse will have four...


Mobile Shelving – Modes of Operation

High-Density Mobile Shelving can be called many different names, but they all mean the same thing; mobile storage, collapsible shelving, compact mobile shelving, compact shelving, movable shelving, you name it, we’ve probably heard it. However, there are a few different choices when it comes to...


Benefits of High-Density Mobile Storage

Before we can jump into the benefits of High-Density mobile storage, we first need to dive into what High-Density mobile storage is. Simply put, it’s a way to store more stuff in less space. Traditional static shelving that you would have in your garage, or...